
For 2023, I had originally planned on creating a dungeon a day but then I came across Dungeon23 created by Sean McCoy. For dungeon23 you create a megadungeon which includes 12 levels and 365 rooms. Each month is a level and you create a room a day. This seems much more doable than my original plan, so I have decided to participate in it.
I was going to create the dungeon for D&D but I’ve never played it as I only play solo games. Though I’m hoping to play it solo sometime next year. So I’ve decided to create my dungeon for Four Against Darkness.
For Four Against Darkness you usually roll on a room contents table to determine what’s in a room, such as treasure, special features or the monster type you find there. So I will be creating that table but I plan to also have some rooms with more specific information which won’t require rolling on the room content table. I will also be creating the various monster tables. Usually the tables only have 6 monsters each. I plan to create monster tables with at least 12 monsters each, that way it doesn’t get repetitive. I plan to avoid using the typical dungeon monsters like, orcs, goblins, trolls, etc. I will also be creating treasure, trap, special features, events and quest tables. Each level will have its own set of tables.
I’m calling my dungeon, “The Twisted Depths of Blackwood Manor”. Below is a brief introduction to the dungeon.
Rumors say, the Blackwoods were a wealthy family who worshiped a demon by the name of Al'githaaz. One night, one of their rituals went awry and the manor, surrounding area, people and animals were sucked into a portal and vanished. Now every year on the anniversary of its disappearance, the manor returns near a random town. It lures adventurers, thieves and curious folk to it. Then it disappears. Sometimes in a day, a week or even months after appearing. Those who enter the manor are never seen again. Can your characters survive the twisted depths of Blackwood Manor or will they be trapped forever?
I will be using some Mead Quad/College Ruled composition notebooks that I bought for my husband for D&D a few years back. Half the page is a grid and the other half is ruled. I will use it for creating a quick sketch of the room, creating the tables and a brief description if needed. I will also be using a Mead Cambridge Quad Ruled Pad to draw all the rooms together. I will ink the dungeon using Sakura Micron Pens.

I plan to post weekly on Instagram & Twitter. I will also do monthly posts of the completed level on here.