Apothecaria: Solo Potion Making RPG

I recently started playing Apothecaria: Solo Potion Making RPG which is another solo game by Anna Blackwell, the creator of Delve: A Solo Map Drawing Game. In this game you are the local witch who creates potions to help the various ailments the townsfolk, travelers, etc. may have while creating stories that weave into the existing world. It is my first solo journaling rpg and so far I am really enjoying it.
I plan on posting every in game week on here. I will also keep track of all the potions and characters created and any other relevant information. I’ve created a page that will keep all the links to these various things together and easy to access for those that are interested in following my progress. That page can be found here or by clicking the Apothecaria link in the menu.

I will be using a handmade, vintage leather-bound journal that I purchased back in December for a watercolor project that I never got around to doing. On the last few pages of the journal I tested various watercolors, markers, fineliners and pencils. Unfortunately, the pages in this journal seem delicate. I don’t recommend using pencils or any pens that are pointy as they can tear the paper. I also don’t recommend markers if you want to use the back and front of the pages, as they bleed through. Watercolors can be used but you can’t go too crazy with the water.
I will most likely use QoR Watercolors, MozArt Komorebi Japanese Watercolors and Arrtx Jelly Gouache Paint when creating any art. For the writing and line art I will be using Sakura Pigma Micron Pens as they worked best and didn’t tear into the paper.
Lastly I will be using a ruler to keep my writing straight. If I don’t use it my handwriting will most likely be slanted/crooked.