The Coming of the Dark Templars: An Adventure for Alone Against Fear

The Coming of the Dark Templars is an adventure for Alone Against Fear by Andrea Sfiligoi. In this adventure the Dark Templars, who were demon worshipping knights have come back to life due to the events that occurred in Alone Against Fear. They have come back to punish the descendants of those that tortured and killed them. This adventure comes with a map of the town where the dark templars are located. There are also new skills like lockpicking and medieval swords.
In this adventure you start at a random numbered location and move from numbered location to numbered location. Each time you stop at a location you read the entry for it and some locations have tables you have to roll on as well. You can also travel between towns. The first time you won’t have to roll to see if you encounter something but all other travels between the towns you will have to roll on a couple of tables in the core book.
Some of the knights are blind but possess supernatural senses that help them find their victims by sound and hear their heart beat. So if you decide to sneak by one you will first have to do a will roll. If successful your heart beat remains steady and you can then do a stealth roll. If unsuccessful then your heart beat will let the knight know you are there and you can’t perform a stealth roll. There are also knights that are immune to bullets and ranged weapons. In my game however I allowed ray guns. I understand why arrows, bolts and bullets might not work on the knights armor but I felt that an alien ray gun wouldn’t have a problem.
I enjoyed the adventure. However The Village of the Living Dolls is still my favorite. I wish there had been more info on the dark templars. One of the things I liked in The Village of the Living Dolls was that as you searched the town you found more info on the history of the town. In The Coming of the Dark Templars there really wasn’t much of that. Though it could be possible that there is some info but I just didn’t come across it during my play through. This adventure was also a lot shorter than both the core game and The Village of the Living Dolls.
My character, Sam encountered various knights, saved 2 citizens, learned how to lockpick, convinced a priest to bless the water tower though she never got to use it and then found out how to defeat the knights and was successful.