Week 4 of Dungeon23
I didn’t get as much as I wanted done this week. I’ve been busy and have also been dealing with headaches which have made it a little hard to concentrate. I did get the last of the tables finished; which included the boss, weird monster, magic weapons, epic rewards and quest tables. The only table not completed is the special wandering monsters which can’t be completed until the megadungeon is done or almost done as it will include monsters from the other levels. I’m still not close to finishing the clues, secrets, journal pieces and boss fight sections. I don’t think I will be able to complete all that in the few days left of the month but that’s ok. I will just keep working on them into February.
Below are the completed maps for the 3rd floor and attic. I also completed the basement. This way all the mapping is done and I can work on the few things I have left for this level.